Defining traceables¶
Traceables are defined using the traceable
directive described below.
.. traceable::
¶ Create a traceable item. The
should be a unique string throughout the documentation, because it is used to reference the traceable.The traceable can be given attributes, such as a title, a version, and relationships with other traceables. Attributes are specified using the form
:<option-name>: <option-value>
1. For example, the text below defines a traceable with tagLOREM-IPSUM
, title “Lorem ipsum”, and content “Lorem ipsum dolor sit…”:.. traceable:: LOREM-IPSUM :title: Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit...
Traceable directives have the following properties:
A single argument defining the traceable’s tag (
.. traceable:: <TAG>
)The tag must be unique throughout the documentation
The tag may not contain spaces
Zero or more options (
:<option-name>: <option-value>
)The special option
defines the traceable’s titleOptions with a valid relationship name define relationships which this traceable has with other traceable
Arbitrary option names and values are allowed; if not special options as listed above, the values are stored as traceable attributes and can be used for filtering/querying traceables
Optional content
If content is given, it will be parsed as regular ReST.
Referencing traceables¶
Traceables can be referenced using the traceable
role described below.
¶ Create a reference to a traceable defined elsewhere in the documentation. For example:
Lorem ipsum :traceable:`LOREM-IPSUM` dolor sit...
Showing traceables matrices¶
Relationships between traceables can be shown using the traceable-matrix
directive described below.
.. traceable-matrix::
¶ Generate a traceables matrix. The matrix shows pairs of traceables which are related to each other by a given relationship (see the
option below). Various formats are available for showing the pairs of traceables (see the:format:
option below).The following options are available for this directive:
– name of traceables relationship (required)Specify which relationship between traceables to show in the generated matrix.
– traceable filter expression (optional)Specify a filter to limit the primary traceables included in the matrix.
If this option is not given, then all traceables that have one or more relationships of the type specified by
will be included.:filter-secondaries:
– traceable filter expression (optional)Specify a filter to limit the secondary traceables included in the matrix.
If this option is not given, then all traceables that have one or more relationships of the reverse of the type specified by
will be included.:format:
– name of format (optional)Specify the matrix format to generate. The following formats are available:
:format: table
(default)Traditional traceability table format. This format allows the following additional options to be set:
– positive integerThe maximum number of columns to output. If more columns would have been necessary, multiple tables will be generated.
– positive integerThe maximum number of rows to output. If more rows would have been necessary, multiple tables will be generated.
:format: columns
2-column table of related traceables
:format: list
2-level list of related traceables
For example, the directive shown below would generate a table showing
all traceables related to each other with the children
.. traceable-matrix::
:relationship: children
:format: table
The directive shown above creates a traceability matrix as shown below. The image below is a screenshot from the latex-PDF generated for the example constellation project which is part of this extension’s source code.

Showing traceables graphs¶
Relationships between traceables can be shown using the traceable-graph
directive described below.
.. traceable-graph::
¶ Generate a traceables graph. The graph shows all traceables which are related to the give traceables (see the
option below).The following options are available for this directive:
– traceable tags (required)Specify comma separated tags for which the graph will be built. All traceables related (with any depth) to these tags with the given
will be part of the resulting graph.:relationships:
– name of traceables relationship (optional)Specify which relationships between traceables to show in the generated graph. If not specifed, all relationships are shown.
– string (optional)Caption for the graph.
For example, the directive shown below would generate a graph showing
all traceables related to each other with the children
.. traceable-graph::
The directive shown above creates a traceability graph as shown below. The image below is taken from the HTML generated for the example constellation project which is part of this extension’s source code.

- 1
The formal specification of reStructuredText directives is documented here: