Verification Plan


Document Purpose

Document Scope

Document Structure


Basic test cases

class test_basics.HTMLTraceableIdVerifier(*, convert_charrefs=True)[source]
handle_starttag(tag, attribute_list)[source]

Verify that html builder runs without errors

TEST-HTMLBUILD -- Verify that html builder runs without errors
category Test
test_type auto

This test case verifies that the html builder can be run for basic usage of this extension. This test case also checks some basic aspects of the output HTML.

Traceable graph

Traceable graph


Verify that latex builder runs without errors

TEST-LATEXBUILD -- Verify that latex builder runs without errors
category Test
test_type auto

This test case verifies that the latex builder can be run for basic usage of this extension. This test case only checks that the builder runs without error; it does not check any of the output.

Traceable graph

Traceable graph

test_basics.test_xml_basics(app, warning)[source]

Verify definition of and linking between traceables

TEST-TRACEDEF -- Verify definition of and linking between traceables
category Test
test_type auto

This test case verifies that traceable directives result in the expected output using the XML builder. It also checks that links between traceables are output as expected, including that a helpful error message is generated when the input references a nonexistent traceable.

Traceable graph

Traceable graph

Traceable graph test cases


Verify creation of traceable-graph image files

TEST-GRAPHHTML -- Verify creation of traceable-graph image files
category Test
test_type auto

This test case verifies that a graph directive results in and output image file in HTML output. That effectively shows that the directive is processed, and that graphviz is then called and successfully generates an output image file. This test case does not verify that the output image is correct.

Traceable graph

Traceable graph


Verify error handling of traceable-graph without start tags

TEST-GRAPHNOSTARTTAGS -- Verify error handling of traceable-graph without start tags
category Test
test_type auto

This test case verifies that a graph directive, for which no valid start tags have been defined, generates a descriptive error message.

Traceable graph

Traceable graph


Verify creation of graphviz nodes

TEST-GRAPHXML -- Verify creation of graphviz nodes
category Test
test_type auto

This test case verifies that a graph directive results in a graphviz node in XML output. That effectively shows that the directive is processed. This test case does not verify that the output diagram is generated, because the XML builder doesn’t do further processing.

Traceable graph

Traceable graph