****************************************************************************** Getting started ****************************************************************************** Overview ============================================================================== .. include:: ../README.rst :start-line: 7 Installation ============================================================================== Install this package using ``pip install sphinxcontrib-traceables0.2``, or from source using ``python setup.py install``. Then add it to your project's Sphinx configuration file ``conf.py``: .. code-block:: python extensions = ['sphinxcontrib-traceables'] Minimal example ============================================================================== In your project's documentation, you can define a new traceable as shown below. Note that the tag ``LOREM-IPSUM`` given to the traceable should be unique throughout the documentation, because it is used to reference the traceable. .. code-block:: rest .. traceable:: LOREM-IPSUM :title: Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit... The traceable defined above can be referenced in line as follows: .. code-block:: rest Lorem ipsum :traceable:`LOREM-IPSUM` dolor sit... See :ref:`usage` for more information about this and more functionality provided by this extension.